
Discover the Best New RFID Products and Deployments
The RFID Journal Awards were created to highlight the best RFID implementation across multiple industries. RFID journal readers around the world are invited to submit applications that provide details on their deployments, and RFID solution providers are asked to submit information for the Best New Product award.
A team of independent judges evaluate the submission and select the finalists. The finalists in each category are invited to speak at RFID Journal LIVE!, so attendees can learn best practices form these ground-breaking deployments. The winners are announced at the event, and each receives a crystal award.
Call for Entries
A team of independent judges evaluate the submission and select the finalists. The finalists in each category are invited to speak at RFID Journal LIVE!, so attendees can learn best practices form these ground-breaking deployments. The winners are announced at the event, and each receives a crystal award.
If you have any questions, please e-mail them to [email protected].
Awarding Industry Leaders in Eight Different Categories
Awards will be presented in eight categories. The first six awards will be presented to end users. Special achievement will be presented to an individual or organization who has contributed to the RFID community. The Best New Product Award will be presented to the RFID vendor exhibiting the best new RFID product (hardware, software or service) at RFID Journal LIVE! 2023, which will be held May 9 to May 11, 2023, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. To qualify as a new product, it must have been introduced AFTER RFID Journal LIVE! 2022 concluded.
Best Retail RFID/IoT Implementation: Awarded to the retailer demonstrating the best use of RFID technology to improve its store or supply chain operations.
Best Manufacturing RFID/IoT Implementation: Awarded to the manufacturer demonstrating the best use of RFID technology to improve its production or supply chain operations.
Best Logistics/Supply Chain RFID/IoT Implementation: Awarded to the organization demonstrating the best use of RFID technology to improve logistics or supply chain efficiencies, or deliver better services to customers.
Best Health-Care RFID/IoT Implementation: Awarded to the health care provider demonstrating the best use of RFID technology to cut costs or improve patient outcomes.
Best RFID/IoT Implementation (Other Industry): Awarded to the organization demonstrating the best use of RFID technology to cut costs, improve efficiencies or otherwise improve the way it does business. The winner will be from an industry other than retail, manufacturing, health care or logistics.
Best Use of RFID/IoT in a Product or Service: Awarded to the end-user company using RFID technology to enhance an existing product or service. The winner will be the company that demonstrates how it is using RFID to provide additional value to its customers.
Best New Product: Awarded to the RFID technology hardware, software or service provider chosen by a team of judges at RFID Journal LIVE! as the best new product or service at the event. To qualify, the product or service must have been introduced after the last RFID Journal LIVE!(2022) concluded.
Special Achievement Award: Awarded to the individual who has contributed to the RFID industry. It can be given to an end user, researcher, vendor, inventor, standards developer or anyone else who have contributed to the advancement of the entire RFID industry. NOTE: To nominate someone for the Special Achievement Award, please email your recommendation to: [email protected]. Please do not use the online form.
Enter Your RFID/IoT Deployment for an Award
If you have deployed an RFID solution or developed an innovative RFID product or service, you can enter for an award in one of the eight categories above.
You will need to provide details of the solution. If you are a systems integrator or solution provider entering on behalf of a customer, you will need to have the customer sign a release form indicating that they will allow RFID Journal to publicize their deployment if they are a finalist.
If you have any questions, please visit our FAQs or send email to [email protected].
View previous RFID Journal award winners >